Herbal Hair Conditioner

2,00 35,00 

Contains: nettle, mint, lavender, chamomile, rosemary, sage.

Cleans the scalp, fights dandruff. Strengthens hair, accelerates hair growth, adds shine and volume.


Mixture for hair growth

Unhappy with your dull, brittle hair? Herbal hair conditioner will strengthen hair, accelerate growth, give it shine and volume, and fill it with vitality and energy from nature itself!

The composition and application

This mixture includes the following herbs: nettle, mint, chamomile, lavender, rosemary.

Using herbal rinse every time you wash your hair for a month, you will see a dramatic change. Hair will become voluminous, silky and shiny. It will stop splitting and falling out. The dandruff will disappear. People around you will admire your hair!

How to make a Herbal Hair Conditioner

The hair tonic is very easy to prepare. Take a ladle, saucepan or quart (1 liter) jar. Put 2 tablespoons of dry herbal mixture into it and pour about a liter of boiling water over it. Wait 10-15 minutes and strain. Dilute with cold water if necessary. That’s it! Herbal Hair Tonic is ready!

Additional information


1 kilogram, 100 gram, 40 gram, 500 gram